• USA Ph#9512954134
  • rnrdeam@gmail.com
  • Kenyan Ph#+254724344389
Consider Jesus Ministries

Consider Jesus Ministries

This  started awhile back here in the USA; it is study material (Tape or CDs) free of charge.  In Kenya, it started back in 2006. My late husband and I, we had just moved back to Kenya and the tools (Computer, CD and Tape duplicator, printer), were all there waiting for someone to get them working and that’s how it all started in our little apartment. We have both topical and series teaching from different Calvary Chapel Pastors and other Pastors across United State and our hope and prayer is that we will add some Swahili materials as well. It is locally available and we have used it in the past as evangelistic tool.  To know about this Audio Ministry, how, when and why it was started, you can visit the website http://www.firefighters.org and you will get more details. If you so wish, you can request some of the study materials. While you are there, please check out www.blueletterbible.org  another incredible ministry! Our goal is to establish resource centers in different parts of East Africa. Our current project developments have started in Kenya. If you have a study bible tool or laptop in good shape and you like to donate it, please let me know