January mission (2021)
The CCAEA Board made recently an announcement plan for the upcoming CCA East Africa Pastors Conference. The conference will be held in January 19-22, 2021 in Eldoret, Kenya. The pastors will be studying through the book of 2 Peter in a very practical and relevant way to our present circumstances. This is the moment we as a ministry are happy to be part of providing some encouragement, building fellowship and relationships as well as providing refreshment through the Christ study materials that we hand out to these pastors at the conference. Our desire is to fill up personal libraries for each pastor with up-to- date study materials, teachings, and documentaries, etc. that can be of great help to their ministries as they minister.
We would like to ask our prayer partners to join us in praying and supporting us through this upcoming mission as we desire to be led by the Holy Spirit in putting together the resources relevant for this season in the lives of our pastors.