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FFFC 2020 mission in Uganda

FFFC 2020 mission in Uganda

This is a small note about our mission in Uganda at the East African pastor’s conference in Kiriandongo
district. The mission started with preparations to make DVD copies that have video documentaries and
DVD mp3 audio teachings that reflected the theme of the conference. The resources included:
1. Various Calvary chapel pastor teachers teaching through the book of revelation in depth
2. Various documentaries about the “end times” and Israel and Islam.
3. A collection of a servant’s heart that included over 300 special messages from various Calvary
chapel pastors conferences.
4. DVD mp3 Worship songs from various artists.
5. Bible software (the Word & Blue letter Bible)
6. A walk through the Bible by Pastor Chuck smith, Jon Corson and Damian Kyle.
7. Special family series teachings
We managed to make and burn copies over 3,000 DVD mp3 formats and DVD documentary videos that
worked with most DVD Players in the villages on East Africa as well as on computers. During our time at
the conference, the demand became high than we had expected. The pastors who attended the
conference came in their large numbers with some of them coming to the conference for their first time
ever. The materials were not enough for everybody than we had expected. Most of the pastors who
have been collecting our resources had a lot of stories to tell about how the resources have helped them
personally and in their ministries and they just wanted to have more.
We would like to ask you to join us in prayers over a few things.
1. The continued work of the Holy Spirit through the hearts of men who are using our Christ study
2. We would like you to consider supporting us prepare for next year with enough materials that
will meet the demand of each pastor the next time we meet for another conference next year.